VSAT - Artificial Intelligence Product
VSAT - Artificial Intelligence Product
VSAT (Visualize Artificial Student Assistant) is an Artificial intelligence product idea which is relatively unique and focuses primarily on the learning component in the sector of Higher Education. Also, known as VSaaS (Visualize Artificial Student Assistant) isan Artificial Intelligent product that discovers your strengths and visualize yourself based on the characteristics of your behavior and thoughts. The idea of VSaaS product is designed based on the fact that :
- A high score on a trait is not necessarily good, and a low score is not necessarily bad.
- The relationship between two things that appearto be opposites is closely linked.
- Helping develop basic competency for strategic evaluation of the direction of growth and time toachieve that goal.
- Understandingone's characteristics based on test results can help one's underlying potential and weaknesses.
- By understanding your characteristics, you will be able to make the most of your time in the student community (seminars, circle activities, part-time jobs, volunteer activities, etc.) and tofind success in job-hunting activities.
- By identifying the pointsto be aware of to become the person you want to be, you will be able toand make the most of them for better student life and career development in the future.
Everything that resembles, outperforms, or is more intelligent than humans is considered to be Artificial intelligence. Computer vision, robotics, machine learning, and deep learning are just a few of the numerous areas and subfields that Artificial intelligence now encompasses due to its widespread application. It involves changing the result based on prior behaviour and ongoing learning.
VSAT is based on the following key areas of AI/ML:
- Generic problem-solving architecture based on concepts from cognitive science for searching, planning, and solving problems.
- Knowledge representation: For storing and manipulating information (logical and probability representations)
- Automated Reasoning/Inference: Use stored information to answer questions and draw fresh conclusions
- Machine Learning: Intelligence from data; to adjust to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate models
- Natural language treatment: To communicate with the machine
- Computer vision: treatment of visual information.
- Robotics: Autonomy, handling, comprehensive integration of AI capabilities